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Excel DVARP Function

DVARP Function Example

How to use the DVARP Function

This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel DVARP function with syntax and examples.


The Excel DVARP function returns the variance of a population based on the entire population of columns of datatable or database, based on a given conditions.

For example,

  • The formula =DVARP(D7:G12,"Price",D4:E5) would return 5625 numeric value.
  • The formula =DVARP(D7:G12,2,D4:E5) would return 5625 numeric value.


To Get the Entire Population Variance of columns values based on given Criteria.


The DVARP function returns a Numeric value.


=DVARP(database, field, criteria)


The DVARP function syntax has the following arguments:

  • database: Required. The range of cells that makes up the list or database including data headers.
  • field: Required. The table header name or index number of header.
  • criteria: Required. The range of cells that contains your criteria including data headers.


  • The database argument is a range of cells that includes field headers.
  • The criteria can include a variety of expressions, including some wildcards.
  • The DVARP function supports wildcards in criteria.
  • The Criteria can include more than one row.
  • Make sure that the criteria range does not overlap the database list.
  • The database and criteria ranges must include matching headers.

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